Our Projects


The ABLE2DO project is innovative in that it offers a new way to promote youth employment and competitiveness, integrate low-skilled young people into the labor market, and promote youth entrepreneurship.

The main goal of the ABLE2DO project is to develop the mindset and sense of initiative of young entrepreneurs, through national crafts, to develop a responsible attitude and ability to find and provide high quality products and services according to local needs and economic prospects of participating European countries, by adopting best practices and business skills to create high quality products and services using "Made in Italy" example.

The project "Craftmanship’s Future of Europe: “I AM ABLE TO DO!” No.2018-1-LV02-KA205-002112 ″ was financed with the support of the European Commission “Erasmus +: Youth in Action”, which is administered in Latvia by the Agency for International Youth Programs. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.